Labour Module User Guide
Overview of the Labour Module
The Labour Module is an advanced tool designed to help managers and supervisors effectively manage and track employee performance in a plant. It provides comprehensive reports that analyze various aspects of individual employee performance, including:
With these insights, managers can make informed decisions regarding personnel management, optimize labour allocation, and enhance overall productivity across the floor.
Utilizing the Labour Module
The Labour Module can be accessed in two primary ways:
Labour Module (LES) - Whiteboard
Analytics Portal
Using the Labour Module (LES) - Whiteboard
In the machine hourly view, the LES Labour Module is displayed as a banner at the top of the screen.
Logging In
Click the Log On button to access the log-in screen. Operators will be prompted to enter their unique Operator ID to log on to the Labour Module.
After logging in, the operator's name will appear in the Labour Module banner.
Logging Out
To log off, click the Log Off button. This redirects to a screen showing all operators currently logged into the machine and their log-in times.
Operators can enter their Operator ID in the top right corner to log out. Supervisors can use a password to log off all operators simultaneously and can navigate to the Edit tab to add, modify, filter, or delete labor records.
Using the Labour Module Data in the Analytics Portal
The Analytics Portal allows you to analyze Labour Module data through detailed reports. Here are some ways you can use the portal: