This set of release notes covers both Release

When customers can expect in this update:

Group 1: May 4, 2021

Group 2: May 5, 2021

Group 3: May 13, 2021

Highlights from Release

  • The Opportunity Pareto view has had multiple enhancements and should now perform better.

  • Certain customers were having issues with accented characters in file-names or paths. These issues have now been resolved

  • When new “Events” data was previously added to the Analytics Model, it caused some filters and joins to not work correctly. This is now been resolved.

Bug Fixes:


Customer had a custom XML data on connector PC that was being uploaded.

Directory also contained other files, some of those directories had accented characters in the name.

Translation to upload archive causes accented characters to be replaced with ?.

? is not a valid character for paths. Upload failed, and subsequent data update failed.

This is been fixed, and proper logic to handle accented characters has been added.


Adding new “Events” data to analytics model caused some filters and joins to not work correctly. This has been fixed so existing dashboards continue to work.


CurrentState signals caused “Splice” signal to resolve to an incorrect time, resulting in an incorrect exit time for final setup state.


Long text on tool-tips was causing it to overflow screen boundaries.


After deleting all of the shifts in a month, if the month was empty, the calendar would prevent you from saving with an empty shift schedule.


Combination of two issues:

  • Issue 1: If Enable Overcycling Tolerance = NO, the value was not displayed when changing Cycle Gauge. This was a visual bug.

  • Issue 2: If Enable Overcycling Tolerance = YES, the setting was not respected when changing Cycle Gauge. This was not a visual bug.

New Features / Status on Long-term Work:


This update contains multiple feature enhancements to the Opportunity Pareto view in Whiteboard. They are listed below:

Opportunity Pareto - Default setting shouldn't change Levels
Selecting 'Default' in Settings should change all Setting options apart from Start and End date to default, however Levels (filters) should stay the same.
Currently, Level 1= Reason, while Level 2 and Level 3 are unselected if Default user clicks on Default.

Opportunity Pareto expanding other duplicating row

Expand Other (4) for day shift Reason, then expand Other (1) for job, In the afternoon shift section, there is another job added with different values

There is an issue with the expansion of others, it seems that because two rows have the same value in the second column they are both expanded when one is clicked and in some cases is also creating a value that should be in a different sub section to be in that one.

The similar names also seems to be causing two other subsections to expand at the same time

Opportunity Pareto exceeding time limit set over 3 months
When the time span restriction value in web.config is set to a value of
<add key="TimespanRestrictionSeconds" value="10370000" /> (120 days) the pareto response does not return the variable.
It seems to only apply to time restrictions over the default of 90 days.

May also need to ensure the machines restriction is not doing the same.