When customers can expect this release:

Group 1: May 5, 2020

Group 2: May 6, 2020

Group 3: May 14, 2020




  • Shoplogix will manage a Maintenance Schedule within the application itself. This can be accessed via the WalkMe side menu, and will show a short-term schedule for any servers that require maintenance. Customers and SLX will be able to determine if performance issues or recent changes were due to a scheduled maintenance period for any given server.

  • Work has completed for the OSI PI/Generic REST JSON Connector integration for Altium. This is of particular interest to Tony S. and Nick M.

Bug Fixes:


Saving flash config deletes <OeeWaterfallEnabled></OeeWaterfallEnabled> from config file

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In config file set <OeeWaterfallEnabled>1</OeeWaterfallEnabled> for any Plant > Save

  2. Open flash config > Tools > Save

  3. Reopen config file

Expected result: <OeeWaterfallEnabled>1</OeeWaterfallEnabled> from step 1 is present
Actual result: <OeeWaterfallEnabled>1</OeeWaterfallEnabled> from step 1 is removed



New Config - Machine States and Variables Clean Up 1.0

Issue # 1

  • For new Scrap, DT, Event, Setup Stop and Setup Reason missing default color and reason ID (for Setup dt color will show in Config GUI, but not in Whiteboard)

Issue # 2

  • For new Scrap default color is different from other Scrap reason color (default color created in Flash)

Issue # 3

  • For existing scrap RampIgnoreZero is 0 although Cumulative Counter is turned on and Ignore 0 as well
    Steps to reproduce:

    1. In peconfig > Select any machine > Variables > Edit

    2. Select any existing scrap > Click on Edit icon > Change Count Type to Cumulative Couter (Ignore 0 = true by default)

    3. Save and Refresh > Select the same machine from step 1 > Variable > Edit > Edit the scrap reason from step 2

Expected Result: Ignore 0 = true
Actual Result: Ignore 0 = false

Issue # 4

  • Missing default Device Settings when creating a new machine which probably causes that user cannot change Slow Running / Micro Stoppage name

Issue # 5
Cannot change Classification for Default Machine States (Idle, Running, Setup)
Note: Additionally, change Ability to Availability

Issue # 6

  • In Machine States, Hide ID and Frequency for 360 machines

Issue # 7

  • Hide 'Add Machine' option from Machine Menu



Chevrons are not working on OEE Waterfall if default time period is not changed

In Config file on Plant level enable OEE Waterfall <OeeWaterfallEnabled>1</OeeWaterfallEnabled>

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Whiteboard Homepage select Area/Machine within Plant from precondition > Select OEE Waterfall

  2. Click on left chevron

Expected behavior: The view is displaying data for previous 24 hours from default time.
Actual behavior: Default time is not changed.

Note: If user go to Settings and set Start and End time (or just reselect default Start and End time), chevrons are working as expected.



Paging - Browser related and scaling issues in Paging list

  • On iPad Pro, Changeover Team and Materials Handling filter and Department are overlapping or going out of it's border

  • In Edge, removing Assignee Name is not deleting it
    Steps to reproduce:

    1. In Edge navigate to Paging list (ex:


    1. Select any Pending Page

    2. Enter any Name > Click on X at the end of Name textbox

    1. Select Cancel Page or Start button

Expected Result: Buttons are disabled as Name is mandatory field
Actual Result: Page is Cancelled or In Progress with initially entered Name

  • When there are more than 5 Pages in the list, second vertical scroll occurs

    The second vertical scroll should be removed.



Translation in Area Meeting view

The following is not working in Spanish base file:

  • Scrap in tooltip

  • Cycle in tooltip

  • Speed Loss in production block tooltip

  • All States in Loss Pareto

  • Settings > Objectivo > Scrap Target

  • Settings > Clasificacion > Goal / Scrap / Performance



Shift Rollup order doesn't seem to obey Machine Order value



Display problem on the Chrono Screen of the Whiteboard company Tregar

Hello guys.

Client of the Company [Redacted] informs us that he is having a visualization problem after updating the server on the Chrono Screen, where the Estimated or expected line to be produced in an interval of 5 min does not show the true value since it adapts to the bar of production with the largest number of Parts produced that it has in those hour intervals, creating confusion among its line managers.

Attached shipment Example of the Problem I mention.

Server = [redacted]
Username: [redacted]
Password: [redacted]
URL: [redacted]



Time cannot be entered in most views because Numbers are Greyed out!

All time entry numbers have changed from black to grey.

Previously "grey" meant "you cannot enter it" now it means "you can enter it"

The only reason we are not getting constant bug request from customers is because of Covid shutting most group 1 facilities down.



Arca cocalola Whiteboard does not show all data

In Arca Coca-Cola, we are using OLd PN to upload data to Saas.

After yesterday's upgrade, we don't see data correctly.

could we rollback Saas5 until we program cloud migration next week



Unable to trigger Quality Checks based on Job Filter

Created a Quality Check called Work Instruction based on a Job Name filter that contains the word "Strawberry". This is listed under the Upstate Niagara Line 10 Test machine (under the Hidden area, not visible to the customer).
Started a new job at 12pm on April 13 called "J&J Strawberry Swiss" and expected to see the Work Instruction check in the Active checks but nothing happened.




Vit-Best Scheduling Module Bugs

Customer reported the following issues that are making it challenging to use and adopt the module:

  1. The browse freezes after saving in optimizer, in order for me to save the changes I need to zoom out my internet browser by 75% See Ryan Gallagher (Unlicensed) comment below, fixed in CS-876

  2. Cannot move the orders from one production line to another. → Need to investigate operation values from job record and machine config

  3. Even though we have an edit option when a job is scheduled, it does not allow us to save the changes. Fixed in https://slxdev.atlassian.net/browse/CS-876

  4. in the pending section I cannot look for a specific order then I check the box and when I remove the filter the checked box is automatically assigned to the very first order.

  5. The production field which is only fit to take in numerical values. looks like once the comma is formatted in, it would need to be removed by the user should they re-edit that field. Ie, they type in 30000, it will take. If they click it again, it will show as “30,000”. This is now a string, which the field won’t take. In order for this new value to save, they would need to remove the comma. That is less than ideal.



In Seatech(SAAS 131) values do not match breaks

In Seatech do not match the values of Breaks occurrences with Enterprise and API, attached image.

User: [redacted]



Meeting view does not match the shift calendar

When looking at the "layout view" for an area (Area 7), you can click on the centre of the gauge on the machine to get to the "meeting view" for that machine. This should default to the last 24 hours, so that the customer can review this in their stand-up meeting.
At Abbott, it is defaulting to the 6 am to 6am time period, but the shift schedule is 6:30am to 6:30am. For usability in this Pilot, we need it to cover the 24 hour period that matches the shift schedule, but it's missing the half hour shift start time.


New Features / Status on Long-term Work:


Allow scorecard to replace OEE / OEEc with Availability Metric

allow scorecard to replace OEE /OEEc with Availability Metric

Be able to select in settings the ability to use OEE, OEEc, or Availbility in the comparative charting and ranking of lines areas and facilites

“Also it would be great if the Scorecard could go down to area and line level like the new app”

Added last request to new feature request: https://slxdev.atlassian.net/browse/PROD-143


New availability option in settings that function just like OEE and OEEc. third gauge is now Capacity. There is only Machine Status Summary if Availability Selected


Update WalkMe for Maintenance Window alerts

User Story



SLX is moving away from solely reactive maintenance work on servers to scheduled, bi-weekly server maintenance. Brandon and Dan Follows are working on creating a schedule, which they want to make available to our customers within the application itself. This will help calm customers if they are experiencing less-than-ideal network experience on SLX. They will be able to check whether they are currently being affected by a scheduled maintenance time, and will ideally try to work around it.


REQ 1. Update production servers with the latest Walkme packaged folder attached here.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. There should be a pop-up alert that appears once, on the home page of SLX, alerting the user of the new schedule.

When the user clicks either option, a frame will appear showing the maintenance time periods in an iFrame Google Doc (fully aware that this is not an ideal user experience, but the most practical way for someone like Brandon to quickly update time slots without DEV intervention).

  1. If user closes pop-up, they should be able to access the maintenance times again on their own, at any time, using the WalkMe help menu:

Business Owner

Dan F. / Brandon


OSI PI/Generic REST JSON Connector Integration for Altium

— At the Altium pilot we were using Boomi to integrate with OSI Pi two issues with this is they don't sample more than 1 time per minute which limits our slow running and Microstop analytics from working correctly. 2nd is Boomi wants their partner deal and are threatening to shut us off

  • Nick Marchioli



The rough idea is that it would be good to have a connection type available that could talk to REST/JSON endpoints. Currently we have OPC, ModBus and MQTT (in beta) that can be configured, REST/JSON? could be a third.

Very rough idea on generalizing solution would be

  • store perhaps the URL pattern / authentication in the OPC Server ID section of a machine's configuration

  • store JSON path queries as the OPC IDs

But the short term deadline though is to get the specific signals that Altium needs from OSI PI and write them in the OpcCore format and paths so that the connector websocket process (Shoplogix.Connector.Realtime) will send them. So this would be a separate process (EXE) on the connector.

Initial Simplification

Manny Bonilla is looking for ways to minimize risk/timeline and has suggested the following approach

  • Assume we have “Unique IDs”, don’t do first query, configuration will contain unique ID (base64’ish value)

  • Just go direct to second query for these to save the complication of the first query


Plant Line Meeting Clean Up 1.0

, Navigation options navigate user to highest level in hierarchy and due to this issue it doesn't have all options for Area.
Expected Result: Select opting in navigation (Analysis) should take you to selected view for current Area

  1. Offset is not respected when navigating. If users clicks left chevron 2 times (offset= -2) and then select Analysis in navigation, Analysis will open on current shift, instead with offset of -2. Same problem applies to Analysis, Area Meetings, Line Summary, Shift Chrono, Layout and Shift Trend.

  1. States in pareto (Idle, Micro Stoppage, Slow Running, Early Departure, Late Start, Setup, Unscheduled, Plantnode Downtime, Break) and title in Settings are not translated in Spanish.

  1. Navigating to Plant Meeting without Start and End time opens current shift. According to specification, it should open End Time = Start of the current shift and Start Time = Start of the current shift - 24 hrs (format e.g: Jan 6th, 2020, 23:00 - Jan 7th, 2020, 23:00 - Current Time).

  1. There is no option for Goal, hence it should be replaced with OEE in Settings (Sorting option, Gauges > Hide OEE and Target > OEE Target).

  1. If Snap To Shift = NO and Start and End time are setup, chevrons are not working. It should work as in Line Summary.


New Config - Make tree view collapsible and add title bar

Changes to Main screen:

  • Make side panel with tree view collapsible

  • Add Title bar to main page with Machine or Area name visible and move menu to that bar as well (Navigation Bar)

Once the side panel with tree view is collapsible we need to add a title bar to main screen with machine / area name so that we know what machine / area we are working on.

Collapsible tree panel will also free up more space for the config screen, which will be beneficial for tables or low resolution monitors.

Adding Title bar will also be more uniform with whiteboard, where we have title bar and menu, so in config the menu will also be in the title bar and be more intuitive to use.

Would be great to move the menu and title bar into separate components in the code and make mainConfig page less cluttered as well as make adding new items to menu easier in the future.