Analytics Suite

Analytics Suite

Analytics Suite is an offering that delivers additional functionality to your existing Analytics platform. It is a platform that is designed to customize and tailor your analytics reporting experience to meet the unique needs of your company.


Analytics Suite includes two tiers - Enterprise Analytics and Manufacturing Intelligence.

Enterprise Analytics introduces customizable company targets, formulas, and calendars allowing specific company KPI targets to be displayed, trended, and forecasted inside the Analytics platform. In addition, more advanced analytics functionality are available for you to search, predict, and find answers easily.

Manufacturing Intelligence brings in other sources of data that are external to Shoplogix. The platform is designed to centralize your manufacturing data silos into one single centralized location so all segregated sources of information can be curatedand correlated a single location.


Enterprise Analytics


Guide to Enterprise Analytics

Guide to Enterprise Analytics

Introduction to Enterprise Analytics:

Enterprise Analytics (EA) provides custom analytics functionality across your organization. This enables reporting to be standardized across your organization while meeting meeting specific company needs.

Enterprise Analytics (EA) unlocks access to forecasting, glide path, custom calendar, pulse, drill in, and global formulas.

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Manufacturing Intelligence




Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence

Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence

Introduction to Manufacturing Intelligence:

Manufacturing Intelligence (MI) brings in other manufacturing data sources into the analytics portal. By integrating the new curated data sources together alongside the existing Shoplogix Whiteboard data, the analytics platform becomes the one centralized source of truth for your overall reporting needs.


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