Analytics Suite - New Advanced Charting

Analytics Suite - New Advanced Charting

Our Analytics Suite includes new advanced charting. These new charting options can help you visualize your data in other ways.


Treemap is a charting option that will create larger data sets with larger rectangular squares giving a good visual representation. The treemap chart can also be configured to have a color gradient present for a secondary measure or the same value.


For example you may want to view which calendar days have the highest production with the largest rectangle and greener chart for a higher OEE. This would chart would give you a different way to visualize your data.

The following coloring scenarios are supported:

  1. Color by a numeric value: If you choose a numeric value, then each rectangle will be colored according to its value in the field's range of values. You can manipulate the coloring rules in the color formatting menu.

  2. Color by field members: If you choose a field, then all rectangles that are members of that field will be colored the same. For example, if you choose to color by the field that is used as the second category, then all rectangles that share the same value will also share the same color.

Calendar Heatmap

A calendar heatmap is a good visualization chart when working with days in a Calendar chart. Within a calendar color visualization - we can immediately view higher or lower numbers in your data set.

For example you may want to visually view the calendar days with lower OEE. The calendar heatmap chart would quickly display and compare.

Additional Configuration Options

Depending on the need, Calendar heat map chart can be configured from design section:

  • Months: Select how many months should be presented at once: Monthly view, Quarterly View, Half-Yearly View or Yearly View.

  • Calendar Type: Classic or Week view

  • Week Begins On: Select the first day of the week (Sunday/Monday) to be represented in the calendar.

  • Grey Out Weekends: If on, the weekend days will be colored grey in the calendar.

  • Show Day Number: Toggle whether to show the calendar day numbers inside the widget.

  • Show Day Name: Toggle whether to show the day name abbreviations on the calendar.

Area Map

Adding Data

Area Maps support fields that contain either countries or US states.

By default, a world map is used. If you add a field containing countries, they will be presented in the world map. If you add a field containing US states, make sure to select USA from Map Type in the design panel on the right.


Select a numeric field here to color the areas on the map according to their value and color rule.

The value of the field is displayed in the tooltip of the area on the map. Hover over the area to see it


Box & Whisker Plot

A box and whisker plot can graphically demonstrate the spread and skews of a data set. It is easy to read and compare data points for more effective decision making.

Adding Data

  1. In the Categories panel, click Add + to select the field whose values will be placed on the X-Axis. The X-Axis of a box plot is used to represent numeric data.

  2. In the Values panel, click Add + to select the field whose values will be placed on the Y-Axis


A Histogram is a plot chart that lets you discover, and show, the underlying frequency distribution (shape) of a set of continuous data. This allows the inspection of the data for its underlying distribution, outliers, skewness, etc.

Similar to a Bar Graph, but in a Histogram each bar is for a range of data. The widget will allow the user to control the number of bins, and will automatically calculate the size of each bin accordingly.

The widget also offers the following design options:

  • Automatic: Enter the number of bin by moving the slider, value ranges between 1 – 20, and bin size is calculated automatically

  • Manual: users type in the bins in the text field separated by a comma. example: 10,40,-20,30,70,-10,85. the values don’t have to be in order, the widget will sort them automatically.

  • Labels: will allow users to display the number of occurrences above each bin as a value or as percent

  • Bar Border: toggle on/off of drawing a border around each Bin

  • Gradient Fill:  toggle on/off using gradient fill affect to color each bin

  • Bar Width: this is only valid for Manual binning and control the width of each bin. This can be using the size of the bin , or evenly distributed

  • Bar Bin Precision:  this parameter will allow to control the precision when calculating bin size. This will accommodation for dataset where the distribution number are in small increments