Enterprise Analytics - Glide Path

Enterprise Analytics - Glide Path

Glide path is a custom target that can be used to view historical and future trajectory while comparing to production actuals. This can be used for various reasons such as process improvement or efficiency gains.


Shoplogix can pull the glide path source from various different locations including Sharepoint folder, FTP site and google shared drive. It is recommended the source file type to be CSV for standardization purposes. The source file will be retrieved and loaded into the Shoplogix platform daily.


File Naming Convention

The file names should follow a naming convention and will determine where the file is uploaded. They should follow a specific format as agreed upon integration implementation.

Typically the format is: “plantname_saasserver_glidepath.csv” where

plantname - the name of the plant location

saasserver - the server where shoplogix is hosted (can be found from shoplogix)

File Content

Inside the file there should be five fields:

Glide Path - the description of the targeted metric

Line - Line of the metric (if applicable)

Year - the target year

Month - the target month

Target - the actual metric target value

The fields should be separated by commas.

**Example CSV line**

OEE,Line 1,2023,January,85


Glidepath fields

Once the glide path data has been uploaded from the file, the values and metrics will be available in the Shoplogix analytics platform.


To access Glide Path data on the dashboard:

  1. Select "Glade_Path" for actual glide path metrics.

  1. Choose "Target" for actual glide path targets.


Dashboard Filters and Display

  • Use the average to display or compare actual values (default SUM aggregates target values).

  • Utilize "Shift Start DateTime" fields for displaying values alongside months.

  • Filter Glidepath metric, plants, and lines as needed.




Glidepath Dashboard Example Result (purple line is glidepath target and blue line are actuals)



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