Managing Dashboards

Managing Dashboards

This section is intended for users that have editing rights (Designers) and explores how to manage dashboards.


Viewing Dashboards 

  1. The left-side of the screen contains a Dashboard pane. This is where you can find all your dashboards. 

Duplicating Dashboards 

Duplicating a dashboard creates a new copy of the dashboard that you become the owner of and will therefore have full editing rights. 

Copy a single dashboard 

  1. Click the dashboard menu (3 vertical dots) on the right side of the dashboard name on the Dashboard pane

  2. Click Duplicate

Copy multiple dashboards

  1. Click the checkbox at the top of the Dashboard Pane. 


2. Select the dashboards you wish to duplicate, by clicking the square on the left of the dashboard name. 


3. Click the Duplicate button at the bottom of the Dashboard pane to duplicate. 


Organizing Dashboards 

In the Dashboard pane you can organize dashboards into folders and subfolders to improve navigation. 

To create a folder

  1. Click + on the right side of the Dashboard pane.

  2. Select New Folder. The new folder will be added to the dashboard list. 

3. Rename the folder by hovering over the new folder to reveal the folder menu (3 vertical dots).

4. Click the folder menu and select Rename

5. To create a subfolder, click the folder menu and select New Folder.

Deleting Dashboards 

Note: You can only delete dashboards you are the owner of. Therefore no Shoplogix Dashboards can be deleted. 

Delete a dashboard 

  1. Click the dashboard menu on the right-side of the dashboard name (3 vertical dots) in the Navigation pane and select Delete

2. Select the green checkmark to confirm the deletion. Select the red cross to cancel. 

Delete multiple dashboards

  1. Click the checkbox at the top of the Dashboard Pane. 

2. Select the dashboards you wish to delete, by clicking the square on the left of the dashboard name. 

3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Dashboard pane to delete. 

4. Select the green checkmark to confirm the deletion. Select the red cross to cancel. 

Downloading Dashboards 

A Dashboard’s data can be captured by downloading it as PDFs and PNGs. This can be done in two ways on the Dashboard pane or the dashboard itself.  

Downloading from the Dashboard Pane

  1. On the Dashboard pane, hover over the dashboard to reveal the settings menu (3 vertical dots). 

  2. Select the menu and click Download. You can choose to Download PDF or Download Image (PNG). 

Downloading from the Dashboard  

  1. You can also download directly from the dashboard by selecting the PDF button at the top-right of the dashboard.

2. This will open up PDF Report Settings where you can change the PDF layout and settings to your liking. Press Save to download. 

3. You can also select the settings menu and click Download. You can choose to Download PDF or Download Image (PNG). 


Restoring Dashboards 

To revert to the last copy shared by the dashboard owner:

  1. On the Dashboard pane, hover over a dashboard to reveal the settings menu (3 vertical dots). 

  2. Select the menu and click Restore Dashboard

  3. Select the green checkmark to confirm the deletion. Select the red cross to cancel. 


Now you can manage your dashboards efficiently and effectively! 

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