Analytics Data Dictionary

Analytics Data Dictionary

When creating your own charts, you’ll need to select which metrics you want to include.

When you click the Add + button next to a widget panel, a menu will expand offering you all available Shoplogix metrics:


This guide explains each metric and provides examples where applicable.


The term “Dim” is frequently used, and is a short-form for “Dimension”. This is simply a technical term to refer to a common category of metrics.










Downtime With Reason %

The total number of downtime hours with a reason divided by the total number of downtime hours


Machines Reporting Scrap %

We have a calculated statistic called Machine-Days, whereby for example one machine over the span of two days is equal to two machine-days. This formula leverages this and calculates Scrap Usage % as the total number of machine-days with scrap reported and dividing by the total number of machine-days.


Machines Reporting Scrap % (Detail)

We have a calculated statistic called Machine-Days, whereby for example one machine over the span of two days is equal to two machine-days. This formula leverages this and calculates Scrap Usage % as the total number of machine-days with scrap reported and dividing by the total number of machine-days.


The detailed variant is specifically when pivoting the data range across days as opposed to larger time scopes.


Machines With Comments %

We have a calculated statistic called Machine-Days, whereby for example one machine over the span of two days is equal to two machine-days. This formula leverages this and calculates Comments Usage % as the total number of machine-days with at least one comment and dividing by the total number of machine-days.


Machines With Comments % (Detail)

We have a calculated statistic called Machine-Days, whereby for example one machine over the span of two days is equal to two machine-days. This formula leverages this and calculates Comments Usage % as the total number of machine-days with at least one comment and dividing by the total number of machine-days.


The detailed variant is specifically when pivoting the data range across days as opposed to larger time scopes.


Proper Rates %

GoodPerformanceHours is the amount of hours where the production rate was at or below the maximum expected rate. Proper Rates divides GoodPerformanceHours by Total Hours


Uptime with Job %

The sum of all uptime where the job name was not “N/A”, divided by the sum of all uptime.


Overall Score

The weighted average of all of the previously mentioned adoption metrics


Dim Areas


The area levels above the Plant. Multiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.



The area levels above the Plant. Multiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.



The area levels above the Plant. Multiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.



The area level configured as Line.


Line Area

The area levels below the Line. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.


Line Area2

The area levels below the Line. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.


Line Area3

The area levels below the Line. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 3 levels.



The area level configured as Plant.


Plant Area

The area levels below the Plant. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 4 levels


Plant Area2

The area levels below the Plant. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 4 levels


Plant Area3

The area levels below the Plant. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 4 levels


Plant Area4

The area levels below the Plant. Mutiple levels will show only the highest 4 levels


Dim Dates

Calendar DateTime

This is, in almost all cases, your preferred Date to use – this is the machine time.

If you’re looking for specific Job Start and End times, you can also use Job Start DateTime and Job End DateTime, but for 90% of your scenarios, we recommend using this Calendar DateTime.

Note the Hour level is available only for the most recent 60 days of data: Shoplogix Historical Data - Big Data Primer


All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



Day of Week

This is using the calendar day time to filter out the day of the week (for example if you do not run on weekends, this can be used to filter out Saturday and Sunday). Note - if you need to filter out for Shift instances day of week, use the Day of Week (Shift Start) measure under Dim Shift Instances.


Dim Jobs

Job Blocked Cycle Factor

How many cavities are blocked per cycle.



Job Cycle Factor

The cycle factor from the job.

When building widgets, use this field in the rows/groupings section of your widgets. For example, in a pivot widget, this value should go in the rows.

IMPORTANT: if you are getting a very high value for your Job Cycle Factor, you may be accidentally running a SUM calculation against your Cycle Factor records.

To avoid this, ensure your formula looks like MIN([Job Cycle Factor]), and NOT SUM([Job Cycle Factor]).

Confirm your reports are correct carefully as you build Job reports with [Job Cycle Factor] in the values by trying the following:

  • Add [Job Name] AND [Job Start Date(days)] and [Job Instance] to ensure uniqueness of each job row and correct cycle factors.

  • confirm [Fact Core].[Total Hours] aligns with expectations.

  • [the formula: “Job Cycle Factor” can help alleviate the common AVG/MIN problem]

If you need to understand jobs with different cycle factors in the same report we need to “blend” this value by adding all [Expected Production], then dividing by all [Expected Cycles]. This is an advanced reporting concept and you should contact your Customer Success Engineer for support.

How to Interpret Cycle Calculations



Job Cycle Factor - Finished Goods

Finished Goods Cycle Factor.  Multiple applied to base production counts to provide alternative reporting units



Job Cycle Factor - Inventory

Inventory Cycle Factor.  Multiple applied to base production counts to provide alternative reporting units.



Job Cycle Factor - Line

Line Cycle Factor. Multiple applied to base production to convert into a common unit of measure across the line (e.g. convert chocolate bar count to lbs.)



Job Cycle Factor - Scrap

Factor applied to raw scrap signal to calculate base scrap counts.



Job Description

The Description field is used to display any extra information



Job Due DateTime

Date when job should be completed



Job End DateTime

This is the date when a Job ends running.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



Job Expected Electricity

Expected Electricity consumption per production unit.  Used in energy calculations



Job Expected Employees

Expected, average number of employees that will be required for the duration of this job.  Used in labour calculations



Job Expected Gas

Expected Gas consumption per production unit.  Used in energy calculations



Job Expected Production

Expected amount of Production to be produced for the job



Job Expected Runspeed

Expected runspeed for job used in Variance Calculation



Job Expected Setup

The expected setup time for your jobs.

The best way to use this field is either in a table or chart where you can separate it by Job Name.



Job Expected Water

Expected Water consumption per production unit.  Used in energy calculations



Job Filter 01 - 20

These are the same job filters that you configure when scheduling jobs



Job Instance

Often you will run the same Job Name multiple times. Each individual time you run a Job, Shoplogix creates a “Job Instance” record along with the job instance’s metrics.

So for example, you can have a job called Job Name = “A”, and you can run Job “A” 5 times.

You’ll still have a single Job Name in your analytics portal called “A”, but if you use the Job Instance field with it, you’ll be able to get the metrics and stats behind each individual time you ran Job “A”.

Job Instance comes in the form of a a long, unique ID tag (example: efjk349dif9s0u30h208sfsdsf34sdf4”).

Don’t worry, no one is expected to remember Job Instance IDs!

The best way to understand Job Instances is by using them in conjunction with Job Name, Job Start Date, and Job End Date. This way you’ll have a better understanding of the parent job (Job Name) and you’ll be able to correlate the Job Instance with the date it ran.

A great way to use Job Instance is when you’re trying to pinpoint if a job (via Job Name) always performs poorly, or if it only performed poorly during a specific Job Instance



Job Is Local




Job Max Run Rate

Expected run speed of job used in OEE calculations.

Parts per hour.

If you think in cycles, this is also equal to [Expected Cycles] * [Cycle Factor] How to Interpret Cycle Calculations



Job Name

Job Name is the human-readable name that you assign Jobs when scheduling. You’ll be very comfortable with this field as it is the same Job Name you see in Whiteboard.



Job Next Operation

Operation value of the machine that is to run this job after this machine. This is used to determine the flow of a job through a plant/line



Job Operation

Value used to validate the type of work needed for this job can be done on selected machine i.e. a stamping job should only be run on a stamping press and so the operation should be "stamping" and the machine the job is to be assigned to will have "stamping" as its configured operation value.



Job Pull Group

For future use



Job Ship DateTime

Reference date used in reporting to show when Job is required to be shipped out



Job Start DateTime

This is the time when each Job starts running.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



Job Status Blocked

For future use



Job Status Confirmed

For future use



Job Status Edited

For future use



Job Status Is Current

For future use



Job Status Pulled

Boolean field indicates when a job has been pulled



Job Timestamp

Field used internally to track the last time this record has been changed


Dim Machines

Is Line

(field is retired in latest model)

If the machine is a line or not.

A Line is expressed as a machine that has this flag set to true. Since a line is expressed in the same production stats as a machine, we create an “Line Machine” with:

Machine Name = Line Name

Machine Id = Line_(bottleneck line machine Id)

This “Line Machine” allows analytics as if the line was a single machine in native line units.



Machine Id

system field.



Machine Name

Machine Name as configured



Filter & Filter Labels

CS Expert can configure these with you - What are Machine Classifications?




CS Expert can configure these with you - What are Machine Classifications?



Electricity Cost per kWh

See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics



Water Cost per Litre

See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics



Gas Cost per Cubic Metre

See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics


Dim Machine Security


system field.



Security Machine Key

system field.


Dim Pages

Page Assignee Name

Responded user of page Digital Andon



Page Created By

Page created user Digital Andon



Page Created DateTime

Created data of page Digital Andon



Page Current Status

Page Status Digital Andon



Page Department

Page Department Digital Andon



Page Id

Unique Page ID Digital Andon



Page Title

Page description/Title Digital Andon


Dim Reasons

Reason Classification

Reason’s Classification as configured in the Machine’s Variables tab.

For example: Performance, Capacity, Availability.



Reason Group1-4

Reason Group as configured in a Machine’s Variables tab.



Reason Name

Reason Name



Reason Type

Reason Type as configured in the Machine’s Variables tab.

For example: Downtime, Setup.


Dim ReasonState

ReasonState Classification

ReasonState is a combination of Reason and State – all properties of Dim ReasonState are the Reason’s properties when a reason is present. When no reason is present, the State properties are used.



ReasonState Group 1-4



ReasonState Name



ReasonState Type


Dim Recent Shifts

Shift Recency

Shift Recency is designed to be used for automatic scheduled emailing of standard duration reports:

  • 24 hours

  • 7 days

  • 1 month

This takes every shift that finished in the last 24hours or 7days or 1month.

This table excludes the current in-progress partial shift.

All machines must be configured with timezones for recent shifts to work properly. Consult your shoplogix configuration or customer success engineer to confirm your machine timezones.

See for more info: https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1108836353

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones


Dim Scrap Reasons

Scrap Group

Scrap Reason group as configured.



Scrap Reason

Scrap Reason as configured in the Machine’s variables tab.


Dim Shift Instances

Shift Instance

A unique identifier to distinguish this shift from others with its name and start date.



Shift Name

As configured in the shift calendar



Shift Start DateTime

When the Shift Started.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



Shift End DateTime

When the Shift Ended.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



Shift Is Current

If the shift is the current active shift at the time of cube refreshing.



Shift is Last Completed

True for the most recent shift that is complete per machine. False for all other shifts.

  • Note: A Shift is complete defined by 3 additional rules: not a break, not unscheduled, not empty shift name.



Day Of Week (Shift Start)

This is using the shift start time to filter out the day of the week (for example if you do not run on weekends, this can be used to filter out Saturday and Sunday but the actual Calendar day may be slightly offset by a few hours). Note - if you need to filter out for the calendar day of week, use the Day of Week measure under Dim Dates.


Dim States

State Classification

Performance, Capacity, or Availability.



State Name

State Name as configured.



State Group1




State Group2




State Group3




State Group4




State Occurrences

At the beginning of a state change (Idle → Running, for example), this counter will increase by one. Will not be impacted by reason changes.


Fact Core


Parts blocked by blocked cavities.




Cycles - How to Interpret Cycle Calculations

* Includes unscheduled cycles. Use a measured filter to remove unscheduled production.



Duration for MTTR

RAW DATA required to calculate MTTR.

Mean Time to Repair is calculated by summing the time in failure states – this is that duration.

Note: The MTTR formula is: (Duration for MTTR) / Stops



Duration for MTBF

RAW DATA required to calculate MTBF.

Mean Time Between Failure is calculated by summing the time in non-failure states – this is that duration.

Note: The MTBF formula is: (Duration for MTBF) / Stops



Expected Cycles

Expected Cycles How to Interpret Cycle Calculations



Expected Production

Job Rate, or if there is no Job Rate, then the Machine Rate.



Good Production

Total Production - Scrap

Does not include unscheduled production. See Good Production Including Unscheduled.




Used to calculate OEE. Used for system calculations.

Good / Rate




Used to calculate OEE. Used for system calculations.

Total / Rate




Used to calculate OEE. Used for system calculations.

Scrap / Rate



Reason Occurrences

Number of times the Reason was entered, for any duration.




see Dim ReasonState.



Scheduled Hours

Hours during scheduled shifts. Excludes capacity reasons and capacity states.




Scrap in scheduled time.

Note: Scrap Reason analysis is incompatible with this field. Use [Fact Scrap Reasons].[Scrap Reason Amount] when performing scrap reason based reporting.



Scrap Including Unscheduled

Scrap, all regardless of unscheduled time.



State Occurrences

Number of times the State was entered, for any duration.



Total Hours

Clock Time. Keep in mind you have an hourly bucket for the most recent 60 days. Shoplogix Historical Data - Big Data Primer



Total Production

Parts produced in scheduled time.



Total Production Including Unscheduled

Parts produced including parts from unscheduled time.



Uptime Hours

Hours where the StateType is:

  • Uptime; or

  • Speed Loss

Does NOT include unscheduled.




See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics




See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics




See Energy in Analytics documentation: Energy in Analytics



Inventory Consumed

See Inventory in Analytics documentation: https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1087602710


Fact Scrap Reasons

Scrap Reason Amount

Use this field when performing scrap reason based reporting.

IMPORTANT: Scrap Reason Amount is the amount for just the associated scrap reason (from [Dim Scrap Reason]). If you are working with Scrap but not interested in reasons, then use [Fact Core].[Scrap].

Using both scrap field will result in unexpected scrap numbers. You must always pick between Scrap Reason analysis (this field) or total scrap analysis (See [Fact Core].[Scrap])


Dim Inventory

Inventory Name

Name the product being tracked. example: Coil0001. See https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1087602710



Start DateTime

Time the inventory record begins.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones



End DateTime

Time the inventory record ends.

All date fields in Analytics are displayed in the machine’s time zone. More information here: Analytics Portal - Date fields and Time Zones




The difference between Start DateTime and End DateTime measured in hours.

* includes any unscheduled time, consider removing unscheduled time with a measured filter. https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1106214913



Start Level

Initial amount



End Level

final scan amount




As configured


Fact Events

Event Name




Event Group




Event Start DateTime




Event Duration




Event Occurrences



Fact Quality Checks


(Added June 2023)

Quality Check Name

Quality Inspection Name as per the Quality Module configuration. https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1682014304

[Fact Quality Checks] joins to Fact Core and all Dimension tables - Machine, Job, Shift, Calendar Datetime. This differs from Events (see [Fact Events]). The tradeoff is we have bucketed quality data (daily, hourly) instead of full detail of every single quality check. For full detail of quality checks, see the quality audit page in whiteboard.


Quality Last Check Date

The last time a check was completed (per machine, per check Name).


Quality Check Order Configuration Number

Configuration setting that defines the display order for checks. This is used when multiple are expected at the same time.


Quality Check Is Critical

A Configuration setting that indicates the check as critical.

1 - check is critical in the configuration.

0 - check is not critical in the configuration


Quality Check Stage

Configuration setting that defines when a new quality check is expected (and therefore will be displayed on screen).

Possible values: AdHoc, Production, JobStart, JobEnd, Job Pulled, Shift Start, Daily. See:https://slxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLXDOC/pages/1682014304


Quality Check Part Frequency

Configuration setting only applicable when Quality Check Stage = “Production”. Defines the amount of parts produced before a new check will become expected. Existing incomplete checks will become expired and replaced by this new check.


Quality Check Type

Configuration setting that defines what value is needed to complete the check. Numeric values are Measurements. Boolean are PassFail, and any text is String.

Possible values: Measurement, PassFail, String.


Quality Check Lower Limit

Configuration setting only applicable when Quality Check Type = Measurement.

Lower Limit before a user will be prompted to confirm the entered value. Useful for control charts.


Quality Check Upper Limit

Configuration setting only applicable when Quality Check Type = Measurement.

Upper Limit before a user will be prompted to confirm the entered value. Useful for control charts.


Quality Check Target Value

Configuration setting only applicable when Quality Check Type = Measurement.

Target value. Useful for control charts.


Quality Check Value Min

(formula) Check Value Minimum in the given hour.


Quality Check Value Max

(formula) Check Value Maximum in the given hour.


Quality Check Value Average

(formula) Checks that report a specific value in the given hour. Averaged across the hour.


Quality Check Value Sum

(formula) Cumulative values of all checks in the hour.


Quality Checks Expected

(formula) The number of checks the configuration expected by machine and check name.


Quality Checks Completed

(formula) The number of checks with actual values entered.


Quality Checks Completed %

(formula) Completed Checks compared to Expected Checks.


Quality Checks Passed

(formula) Depending on configuration, this is the number of checks that pass the criteria configured. Some are pass/fail directly. Some are numeric with an upper and lower limit that defines success.


Quality Checks Passed %

(formula) Checks Passed as a percentage of the Completed Checks


Quality Checks Failed

(formula) Depending on configuration, this is the number of checks that fail the criteria configured. Some are pass/fail directly. Some are numeric with an upper and lower limit that defines success.


Quality Checks Failed %

(formula) Checks Failed as a percentage of the Completed Checks


Dim Subjobs




Subjob Cycle Factor

The cycle factor from the subjob.

When building widgets, use this field in the rows/groupings section of your widgets. For example, in a pivot widget, this value should go in the rows.

IMPORTANT: if you are getting a very high value for your Subjob Cycle Factor, you may be accidentally running a SUM calculation against your Cycle Factor records.

To avoid this, ensure your formula looks like MIN([Subjob Cycle Factor]), and NOT SUM([Subjob Cycle Factor]).

How to Interpret Cycle Calculations


Subjob Filters






Fact Subjob Scrap

Subjob Scrap Amount




Subjob Scrap Reason



Formulas Dictionary


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