In this guide, you’ll get comfortable setting up new quality inspections.
Create Recipient Groups for your Plant
Go to <yourCompanyServer>
For example, if your server is “saas125”, then the URL would be
2. Open the config menu, and navigate to the plant where you want to set up recipient groups.
2. Click the Paging tab for your plant.
3. Rename the recipient groups to fit your organizational structure. We recommend focusing only on the teams or departments that you want to receive text / email notifications when a machine goes down.
4. For each recipient group, add one or more recipient contact information. Shoplogix allows you to enter either an email or a phone number.
Remember, these are colleagues who you want to receive notifications when a digital andon is triggered on the shop-floor.
5. Click the “+” button or the “-” button to add or remove recipients to your liking.
If you want JOHN DOE to receive only an email notification, enter only his email. Alternatively, you can enter only his phone number (please include country codes).
If you want JOHN DOE to receive both emails and text messages, simply use the “+” buton to add two individual “recipient” entries for JOHN DOE – one for his phone number, and one for his email.
6. When you’re complete, click Save to confirm and save your recipient group configuration.
Congratulations! 🙌 🎉
You’ve set up your digital andon recipient groups and recipients!