Create and respond to Digital Andons (pages)

Create and respond to Digital Andons (pages)

Create a new Digital Andon (page)

  1. In either your SLX HOURLY or DASHBORD screens, click the digital andon icon in the top-right corner.


2. Select the recipient group that you want the alert to go to, and type your message.


2. Click Submit Page to trigger the digital andon (page).


Your new alert will appear in the following ways:

  • The machine and area

  • Via an email and/or text message notification to everyone configured in your recipient groups


Example of a digital andon (SLX Page) via an email notification:


Example of a digital andon (SLX Page) via a phone text message:


Respond to a Digital Andon alert (SLX Page)

All of SLX’s digital andon alerts (SLX Pages) follow these states:

  • Pending: when a digital andon alert is first created

  • Active: when someone responds to a digital andon (e.g. “I’m on it!”)

  • Closed/Resolved: when a digital andon is complete

When an SLX page is Pending or Active, anyone can respond to move it to the next state.

  1. Click on the pending or active page to open it


2. You’ll be prompted to enter your Name, and a Message to declare that you’re responding to this alert.


Name: Steven

Message: working on machine issue, part jam

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