How to Add Job Defaults

How to Add Job Defaults

From the Job List, along with editing, starting, pulling and ending Jobs—new Jobs can be created.

  1. Click on the NEW JOB Banner from the Job List.

Figure 9-10: Job List with New Job Banner Highlighted

2. This will open the Job Settings Window.

3. Job Name, Cycle Time and Runspeed are required fields to start a Job.


NOTE: If Cycle Time is entered—Runspeed will be automatically calculated.

Figure 9-11: Job Settings Window with Name, Cycle Factor and Runspeed Highlighted


  • Runtime can be entered but this is only an expected value.

  • If more than one product is made per cycle, a Cycle Factor is to be used.

  • Inputting a Setup Time will identify the time at the start of the job as Setup Time.

  • Production is the number of expected products—the whiteboard will display the remaining production count in real time.

  • Filters are the names that are displayed with the Job to differentiate Jobs.

    • A common practice is to use product names as filters (customer names, colors, etc.)

  • Factors are more complex options in addition to Cycle Factor

    • In special cases where a scrapped cycle is less product than a regular cycle factor, a Scrap Cycle Factor can be specified. Otherwise, the number of scrapped products in a scrapped cycle will be the Cycle Factor.

    • Inventory, Lot, and Line only need to be filled out if displaying production by Inventory, Lot, or Line (can be selected Viewing Options)

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