Recent Shifts and filtering

Recent Shifts and filtering

This page discusses & provides examples for how to filter your data by date, time, and shift recency.

To filter by recent shifts, you’ll be using the following fields:

Shift Instance [Dim Shift Instances]
Shift Start DateTime [Dim Shift Instances]
Recency [Dim Shift Recency]

1. Select a shift start or end time as the bounds of a period.

→ “For example, if morning shift starts at 7:30am and evening shift ends at 23:30, create a report that uses 7:30am on Monday to 23:30 on Friday (without selecting each individual instance of a shift)”

Option 1. Use Shift Instance [Dim Shift Instances]

You can type in the desired date (mm-dd hh:mm) and select the shifts started in the range you want to view.

Option 2. Alternatively, user Shift Start DateTime [Dim Shift Instances], and filter as desired;

Select the date or time frame you want to view. For example, to view shifts that started in the last 30 days:

This will ensure the report has a rolling value relative to the present date, and the time period won’t need to be constantly changed.

2. "Nearest full period" and "Current partial period", for emailed reports.

→”For example, to see 7:30 am Monday to 7:30 am Friday for the current week on a Tuesday. There's no "current partial period" option to keep that report rolling forward. If you wanted that same time period emailed to you on Tuesday but only the most recently completed period and to have that continually roll forward there's no option there either”

Step 1. Choose Shift Recency [Dim Shift Recency] as a filter

This allows you to choose the last 24 hours or last 7 days. Shift recency is relative to the last completed shift;

Note: An update to the Analytics Portal February 4, 2021 will alter shift recency’s relativity, such that it will be relative to the present time, not the last completed shift.

If the dashboard is scheduled to be emailed at e.g. 7am, filtering by Last 24 hours will filter by the shifts in the last 24 hours relative to the time of the last completed shift.

3. Similar to item 1, select a specific time that is outside of midnight to midnight or their shift calendar timings.

→ “If you wanted to just see a few days of data starting at 10am and ending at 6pm and those weren't shift start or end times”


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