Customizing the Dashboard Layout

Customizing the Dashboard Layout

The arrangement of widgets in columns can be changed through their order, resizing of columns or widgets, and adding or removing widgets. 

By default, dashboards consist of one column, however up to 4 columns can be added. Each column can hold multiple widgets however, a widget cannot span more than one column.


Layout Mode and View Mode 

A dashboard can be viewed in either Layout mode or in View mode

  1. Check the icon on the corner of the screen. When in Layout mode a monitor icon is displayed in the top-right corner of the dashboard. 

Layout mode is the default mode where you can add, edit, and rearrange widgets on the dashboard.


2. Click the button to change to View mode. The icon will change to a pencil in View mode

View mode allows you to see what the dashboard will look like if a user can only view it. In this mode changes cannot be made to the dashboard. 

3. Click the icon to switch back to Layout mode

Adding Dashboard Columns 

  1. Click on the dashboard menu (three vertical dots) at the top-right corner of the dashboard to add columns. 

  2. Select columns and the number of columns you wish to have. 

3. Drag the edges of the column to resize. The widgets in the column will resize accordingly.

Moving and Resizing Widgets 

  1. Ensure you are in Layout mode to move or resize widgets. 

  2. To move a widget to another location select and hold the widget’s header, then drag it to the relevant location. 

  3. To place a widget beside another one, drag one widget on top of the other. 

  4. To resize a widget, drag the edge of the widget. 

Distribute Widgets Equally on a Row 

  1. Click the widget menu (three vertical dots) and select Distribute equally in this row. This will make the widgets in the same row have an equal length.

Adding Widget Titles 

  1. Ensure you are in Layout Mode to edit widget titles

  2. Double click the widget’s title header to add or edit the title. Confirm any changes. 

Now you can customize your dashboard layouts however you please! 

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