Getting Started as Viewer

Getting Started as Viewer

Go to portal.shoplogix.com and log in with your CEX credentials.

After successfully logging in, you will be directed to the SLX Analytics home page. On the left-hand side, you will see a panel listing various shared dashboards. From this page, you have the option to load any dashboard of your choice.

In case you don't see any dashboards listed in the panel, kindly reach out to your designers and request them to share a dashboard with you.

As a Viewer you can view, make selections and filter the dashboards that designers has shared. You cannot create a new dashboards or edit any existing ones.

  • View: You can access and observe any shared widget on the dashboard.

  • Filters: You can interact with filters for analyzing data, either through the Filters pane or by simply selecting values by left-clicking the widget visualization.

Interaction with filter will have effect only on your dashboard and will not affect anyone else by changing the filters.

You can interact with filters as follows :

  1. Make a different selection by enabling or disabling the filter controls displayed in the Filter pane on the right side of the dashboard, as shown below


  1. Click on the pencil icon next to the filter name (shown above) in the dashboard to display the Filter Definition window and make the selection as per the need.

You have options to select from List - Entire list of the field in selection e.g. if the field for filters is Plant it will display list of all the Plants available in the data cube

Saving Your Default Filters View

You can save the current state of your filters and their settings at any time. The current state includes the existing filters, their configuration, and the order in which they appear in the filters panel.

To save your current set of filters go to the Filters menu, click Set as My Default Filters.

Restoring the Dashboard filters

Incase you are lost while applying multiple filters and to go back and look at each filter is too hectic you can always restore the filters to as they were at start.

Click the restore icon next to the Filters menu.


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