Sharing and Publishing Dashboards

Sharing and Publishing Dashboards

This guide assumes that you’ve already worked through our 5-min Quickstart guide. If you haven’t yet completed it on your own, please do so first:

5-min Quickstart - Create a new dashboard and your first three widgets


In this guide, you’ll learn how to share your dashboards.


Share dashboard with colleagues

  1. Sharing your dashboards is easy. Simply click the share icon on your dashboard to open the sharing popup menu.




  2. Add the colleagues that you want to share your dashboard with.




  3. Click the email icon to decide which colleagues you want to subscribe to email reports.



  4. To configure your email schedule, click the email tab here and then set your schedule.



Export to CSV or PDF

  1. You can also export individual widgets to CSV.


  2. Lastly, if you don’t want to wait for your email schedule, and you want to just download a PDF export directly, click the PDF button to open the PDF menu.



  3. Before saving your PDF, you can change your layout to your liking.

You can then save or download your PDF.

Congratulations! You just shared your dashboard!

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