Creating Automated Emails with Shift Recenecy Filters

Creating Automated Emails with Shift Recenecy Filters

This article will go over how to create an automated email that will send you data based on results from the

  • Last Shift

  • Last 24 hours 

  • Last 7 days

Shoplogix recommends that you create dedicated Dashboards for your automatic emails, as these Dashboards will require a special configuration to deliver results based on previous completed shifts. You can only set dashboards to be sent as emails if you are the owner / designer of a dashboard, and it is best-practice that the plant’s super-user / designer sets these Dashboards for all plant users. In this way, it is easy for any user to subscribe/unsubscribe from a Emailed Dashboard themselves.

Setting Up Your Dashboard to Automate Emails

  1. Start by hovering over a Shoplogix Dashboard to reveal the menu. Click the menu to reveal the Duplicate option. Duplicate the dashboard.


2. Rename the dashboard to fit your company’s use case. Hover over the duplicated dashboard to reveal the menu. Select the menu to reveal the Rename option. Select Rename, and confirm any changes.


3. Select the add icon at the top of the Dashboard panel to create a New Folder. Name the folder and save the changes.


4. Drag the newly created Dashboard into the new folder to store the dashboard in the folder.

Setting Up Your Dashboard to Organize Data based on Shift Recency

Using the duplicated Dashboard, let’s add global filters that will allow us to organize the data in the dashboard by last 24 hours, and last 7 days.

  1. Click the Add button on the Filter panel which is located on the right side of the screen.

  2. Search for the metric you want to filter by. For this use case search for “Shift Recency”. Select Shift Recency.

3. After selecting Shift Recency, the filter configuration menu for Shift Recency will appear. Under the List tab, you can manage the specific Shift Recency filters, which include Last 24 hours and Last 7 days.

  • Last 24 hours: Filter your dashboard to show data within a 24 hour window up to the end time of nearest completed shift, OR for the Last Shift (more details below).

  • Last 7 days: Filter your dashboard to show data within within a 7 day window up to the end time of nearest completed shift.

4. Select the checkboxes next to the filters to select the filter you wish to apply. Click OK to confirm.

In this example, let’s organize the data to show the last 24 hours.

5. After confirming changes, the Shift Recency global filter will appear on the Filters Panel on the right side of the screen.

Organizing the Dashboard by Shift

To organize the data on the dashboard by shift, two global filters are required: Shift Recency and Shift Instance (or Shift name).

This example will go over how to see data for the afternoon shift within the last 24 hours.

  1. Repeat steps 1-5 from the Setting Up Your Dashboard to Organize Data based on Shift Recency section to set up the data to be within the last 24 hours.

  2. Now let’s filter by Shift, click the Add button on the Filter panel which is located on the right side of the screen.

  3. Search for Shift Name in the search bar of the filter menu. Select Shift Name.

Note: If Shift Name does not appear it may already be a global filter. In that case scroll through the filters panel, locate the filter, and select the edit icon.

4. After selecting Shift Name, the filter configuration menu for Shift Name will appear. Under the List tab, you can manage the specific shifts you want the dashboard to display.

In this example, let’s organize this dashboard to contain data for your Morning shifts. In that case, search Morning and select only Morning. Press Ok to confirm.

5. After confirming changes, the Shift Name global filter will appear on the Filters Panel on the right side of the screen. Ensure only the Morning filter or whichever filter you selected appears.

Setting Up Your Dashboard to Send Automated Emails

Now that you have set up your dashboard to be filtered by the last Morning shift (Morning shift that occurred within 24 hours up to the end time of the nearest complete shift), let’s go over how to automate the emailing of your dashboard.

  1. Select the Share icon to open Email Reporting Settings

2. Share your Emailed Dashboard to all users in your Plant. You can add your entire plant by searching for the Plant Name, then adding.

3. In this screen you can also choose to auto-subscribe all users, or give users the flexibility to subscribe/unsubscribe themselves. Click on the highlighted area below to give each user their own control.

Select the Email Tab to configure the email settings.

3. In this example, let’s configure the email to send the dashboard data 30 minutes after the Morning shift ends daily. Click Save to confirm changes.


Congratulations! Now you can set up a dashboards that are filtered by shift, last 24 hours, and last 7 days and send the dashboards in an automated emails.

Please Note: Data Cube Timestamps shown in all emailed reports are in UTC.

For more information on Filters and Emailing Reports, check out the related Articles.

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