Analytics Suite Division Level Users

Analytics Suite Division Level Users

There may be some Analytics Suite customers (advanced analytics or manufacturing intelligence tier) that have Division/Corporate dashboard created. These dashboard may contain a mix of plants that are subscribing to advanced analytics or manufacturing intelligence. This document describes the behavior when non subscribing plants are included in a corporate dashboard.


Advanced Analytics Dashboards Scenarios


Division Level Users

Plants with Advanced Analytics Subscription

Plants without Advanced Analytics Subscription


Division Level Users

Plants with Advanced Analytics Subscription

Plants without Advanced Analytics Subscription

Core Analytics Features




Advanced Analytics Features

Available only if dashboard is filtered to plants with advanced analytics subscriptions

Available only if dashboard is filtered to plants with advanced analytics subscriptions

Not Available

Plant must be filtered to Advanced Analytics customers or Advanced Analytics features will not be available



Manufacturing Intelligence Dashboards Scenarios


Division Level Users

Plants with Manufacturing Intelligence Subscription

Plants without Advanced Analytics Subscription


Division Level Users

Plants with Manufacturing Intelligence Subscription

Plants without Advanced Analytics Subscription

Core Data




Manufacturing Intelligence External Data Set

External Data Visible only for plants subscribing to Manufacturing Intelligence

External Data Visible only for plants subscribing to Manufacturing Intelligence

No external data visible


Plant must be filtered to subscribing Manufacturing Intelligence plants or any non-core SLX data will not be displayed


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