Adoption Data User Guide

Adoption Data User Guide

By following the instructions below, you will be able to effortlessly navigate and engage with the data present in the dashboard.

Logging In:

Users must first start by logging into the Analytics Portal by entering the URL: : https://portal.shoplogix.com, and logging in with their CEX credentials.


Creating the Dashboard:

Users are able to create their own Adoption Dashboard by going into the Templates folder and duplicating the existing template!

If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to your dedicated SLX customer success engineer or representative and they will help assist you.


Customizing the Dashboard

Each metric in the dashboard is capable of being updated (ex. changing the colour conditionals for each gauge or adjusting the weight of each metric in the overall adoption score).


For example, if a user wishes to update the colour conditionals for a given metric, they have to:

  1. Click the pencil icon to begin editing the individual widget

  1. Click the colour conditional icon on the left hand side of the menu

  1. Edit the conditionals


If a user wants to adjust the weighting of each metric in the overall adoption score, they should:

  1. Locate the Adoption - Overall Score % widget and press the pencil icon to edit it

  1. Click the pencil icon on the Adoption - Overall Score % value to begin editing the formula

  1. Click on Adoption - Overall Score % in the Edit Formula Field, and select Use Flattened Formula

  1. From here, users can freely configure and adjust the weighting of each metric in the Overall Adoption Score calculation. To be more specific, the weighting can be adjusted by changing or altering the 1x value on each individual metric.


Creating an Adoption Dashboard from Scratch

A user is capable of creating their own adoption dashboard from scratch by leveraging the out-of-box formulas that will be made available in all cubes!


The steps are as follows:

  1. Upon logging in, click Create New Dashboard to generate a blank dashboard canvas


  1. Select the correct Data Source, and then title this dashboard <name> so we can keep track of it later. Click Create.

  1. Click Select Data and choose a metric from the list, for this example we’ll be selecting Downtime with Reason but this is applicable to any metric

  1. Click Advanced Configuration and select Indicator from the dropdown menu. On the right select Gauge and click the coloured box in Values to adjust the colour coding.


The steps above can be repeated to generate other adoption metrics widgets.

Variants of Formulas

There are certain nuances behind the formulas for the metrics Comments Usage and Scrap Usage.


To be more specific, both of the metrics have two formulas: ____ and ____ (Detail)

When pivoting by your data by day, it is highly recommended to be using the Detail version of the formula, whereas in any other scope of time, the regular formula will suffice.


For example, in the chart analyzing the last 7 days of data, we leverage the Detailed variants, as seen below:


Whereas when analyzing at a larger scope of time, such as months, we leverage the base variants. This can be seen below:


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