Manufacturing Intelligence for Designers

Manufacturing Intelligence for Designers

In addition to the Enterprise Analytics functionality available to you as a Manufacturing Intelligence Designer, you will also be able to access integrated non-Shoplogix data sources within the same analytics platform.




If you are a division level user with access to multiple plants please be advised that only plants that are subscribed to manufacturing intelligence and have integrated the external data sources will have access to the external data. For more information please review this article.

As a designer, you have all the viewing capabilities that a viewer has but you will also be able to create and design dashboards with integrated data sources that are not native to Shoplogix. The fields will be available to select just like the core Shoplogix data. You will be able to select the non-native Shoplgix fields along side Shoplogix core fields. The available fields will depend on what your organization has agreed to integrate at the start of the project. Please contact your account rep if you want to include more data sources.





If you are creating a widget with non-Shoplogix fields alongside Shoplogix core data, you need to ensure the proper Dimensions and grouping options make sense and are joined properly. For example the a Absenteeism source may only have a single date field in the source and therefore it cannot be displayed with a shift if the shift granularity is not provided. Attempts to display alongside fields that are not joined will result in incorrect results being displayed or empty results.


Depending on how the external data sources are integrated, you will be able to chart the sources with some common Shoplogix groupings. Typically external sources are integrated alongside Shoplogix machines, jobs, days or shifts. You will then be able to create dashboards to correlate external information with actual production data that is automatically collected from Shoplogix.

If you would like additional data sources connected please contact your account manager.

Global Formulas

Creating global formulas requires special permissions as these formulas will be accessible to everyone and there should only be a very limited number of users managing this per organization. As a designer; you will have access to any custom global formulas that have been created by your organization. Select the formula you want to use when creating your widget.



The formulas can use the external data set alongside with Shoplogix native data.



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