Enterprise Analytics - Pulse and Alerts

Enterprise Analytics - Pulse and Alerts

Pulse is a centralized location where you can stay on top of your most important KPIs across multiple dashboards or manage your data alerts.

Creating Data Alerts

Data alerts are triggered by conditions you define for your widgets. For example, if you have an Indicator widget that represents your company's revenue, you can define an alert that notifies you when this revenue reaches or falls below a certain threshold.

  1. For an Indicator widget, from the widget's menu, select Add To Pulse. For other types of widgets, right-click any value in the chart and select Add To Pulse.

2. The Add to Pulse window is displayed.

3. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name that represents your alert.

4. In the Alert Condition area, select the condition that triggers the alerts.

  • Threshold: You can set a value as threshold and define the equality and relational operators that determine when the threshold is met.

  • Automatic: Automatically identifies anomalies in your data and alerts you.

  • Always: It notifies you after each cube build, regardless if there is a change in your data or not.

5. Click Add to create the alert

6. By default it will notify only to the dashboard owner, although you can add the list of user who needs to be notified. This can be done in 2 ways

a. While creating the pulse alert : Click on Advanced → Click on the second card tab→ Search for the users → Add


b. post the alert is created : Go to the Pluse menu → Edit → Click on the second card tab → Search for the users → Save

General Limitation:

  • With pulse, you can monitor a single value.

  • Thus for charts like column, bar, or line, you can monitor a single section (value) of a chart. To monitor multiple values, you can add each value you want to monitor to Pulse separately.


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